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k-9 korral


Terri Coutts was raised on a farm and has been involved with animals all her life, particularly dogs and horses. 


It’s common for Terri to share her 43 acre farm with 15 or more dogs.  Terri has successfully competed with her dogs in obedience shows, conformation shows and agility challenges. 


She has bred, trained and raised working and herding breeds and believes a good start in young animals is imperative and will greatly impact on their future.


Services offered by K-9 Korral include Individual and Group dog training, Obedience Training and Behaviour Modification, Agility Training, Scent Identification Training and Pack Walks. 


A full sized agility course is frequently in use at Terri’s property in rural Essex, Ontario.  Agility is great exercise for your dog (and for you!), will fulfill your dog’s natural instincts and helps strengthen the bond between you and your dog.

The goal of behaviour modification is to change the undesirable conduct of your dog, including aggression, barking or lunging on walks, destruction, separation anxiety and fear of noise.  Terri will discuss your goals and concerns, observe and evaluate your dog and customize a plan that benefits the dog, owner and household.  By request, she’ll also consult with your Veterinarian.


Pack Walks can be scheduled on forested trails around her property and are the ideal way for your dog to connect with you, with nature and with Terri’s canines. 


Scent Identification training is available for specific breeds of dogs.  The in-depth process includes detection of bed bugs, mould, plants and various types of contraband.


Terri also conducts seminars and speaks at local pet stores.  Check her Coming Events  page for specific dates.  As well, Terri offers a series of Dog Training Modules


In addition to her work with dogs, she also operates the Predictive Astrology business “Insights with Terri Coutts", that includes Personal Readings and public appearances.


You can contact Terri at 519-726-6699 or

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